Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm still alive...sort of

Yes, I realize that it has been ages (and by ages, I mean about two weeks) since my last post. But, I find that nothing incredibly post worthy has happened in my life, or that there are no pictures to go with it...and what is a post without pictures? All right, feeble excuse, I know. The point is, I have not forgotten my promise to keep a semi-recent update of my life posted, and assure that I will be making at least one significant post this weekend (assuming that I survive the book report, case study, and statistics homework that needs to be done between now and then). It's times like this that I really wonder where the week has gone.


  1. You don't need pictures (they tend to be a plus but not necessary) I mean if you don't post tho how can I leave long comments?!

    I love you and I know you will get through everything even though it doesn't look that way right now. Only a few more weeks until finals and then you will have rest (I always liked the placement of Thanksgiving because it gave me a nice break between the hectic projects and finals and most teachers wouldn't assign anything big during/after Thanksgiving, they just cram it all in before which is a good and bad thing).

    I am so excited to have you down here for Thanksgiving and in the car for hours on end while driving up for Christmas. It will be just like senior year, only funner!

    Like I said if you don't post anything how can I leave long rambling comments longer than your original post?...

  2. Speaking of pictures... I need some of you for the family yearbook! Actually I need some from everyone, excluding Kassie... maybe I should be posting this on the family page?

    ANYWAY, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers the next few days. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you'll get through this and someday when you're an old fart like me you'll read posts like these and say "Oh yeah, I remember college..."

    I also agree with Kassie. Since I also like to leave long, rambling comments that usually eclipse the original post to which I'm commenting in length, you need to post more often. Even if it's just a sentence or two. Heck, just a sentence or two makes our jobs of leaving these rambling comments longer than your original post much easier!

  3. I read your posts, but I don't leave hugely long comments. I'm considerate. =)
