Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reasons why today rocked...

1) I slept in 'till noon. I had a migraine last night, (which was gone when I woke up - I can add that to the list of good things) so I slept longer than usual.

2) I discovered we now get the Discovery Channel at our apartment.

3) I got a free freshwater pearl necklace. Hooray for jewelry stores that give away stuff in order to stand out in a town where every other store is dedicated to weddings.

4) I successfully parallel parked on my first try (the first time I've needed to since my driver's test I might add).

5) I signed my housing contract for next year. Hooray for not being homeless.

6) I bought groceries. Hooray for not starving.

7) I didn't eat any junk food even though I really wanted to.

8) I got all of my homework for tomorrow (plus some not due for a few days) done before midnight...which NEVER happens.

Ok, so today wasn't that great, but I'm trying to stay positive. In a few short weeks, finals will start and life will be H-E-double hockey sticks, so I might as well enjoy the simple life while I can. Plus I haven't written a new post in a while...

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