Saturday, December 5, 2009

"my momma learned me to spoke real good"

Every now and again I'll go back and re-read some of my previous school work, and I admit that I'm slightly impressed by my writing skills most of the time. Other times, however, not so much. Here is a particularly humbling story:

Sitting in my Prehistoric European Archaeology class, waiting as my teacher passes back our most recent site analyses.

Prof Bartlett: "You all did pretty well on your papers, but you need to make sure you proof read before you turn them in. There was one paper that really made me laugh. I don't remember who wrote it, but they meant to say that this particular site yielded many historically significant artifacts, but wrote that it wielded many artifacts instead. I just got this image of arms sticking out of the ground, swinging ceramics around in the air."

Yeah, guess who wrote that paper. Not my finest hour.

Horrible illustration aside, I think you get my point.