Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If tests could feel, I would slap them...

...or at least call them a few choice names.

Today I took my TMA 202 (theatre history) test and my goodness, I HATE tests that consist entirely of essay questions. Three hours and three handwritten pages later (front and back) my hand seriously feels like it's about to freakin' fall off! I know three pages (front and back) doesn't seem like much, but I've done the math. I write fairly small, averaging about 15 to 20 words per line. The standard college ruled piece of notebook paper contains approximately 3o lines, give or take. That's at least 450 words per page (just on one side). If you count both sides, that's at least 900 words, which equals a little short of five 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, typed pages. Maybe I'm just a wuss, whatever.

At least the weather's nice.

And I learned a lot. Go ahead, ask me about theatrical forms in the 19th and early 20th centuries. My knowledge will blow your mind (better ask me quick though because I guarantee you that I won't remember any of it by tomorrow).


  1. I hear you Karma. After being out of Jr High and having teachers require you to type things; having to hand-write more than a paragraph or two and I start to feel it big time.


    ... and what are theatrical forms?...

  2. Artistic/theatrical movements, essentially. Examples would be (in chronological order I might add) realism, naturalism, expressionism, dada, surrealism etc. Basically performance styles. Did any of that make sense? I'm a little tired, sorry.
