Monday, March 9, 2009

Makes Me Giggle Tuesday

I got this idea from my older sister's blog (shout out to Jenni). Basically, you pick a day of the week that you particularly don't enjoy, and on that day you post a funny video, story, or whatever makes you smile. It's a little something intended to brighten your day. Anyways, I thought this was a great idea and decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Before moving on to the video, however, I want to explain why I chose Tuesday in particular. I actually have nothing against Tuesday. I originally intended to have it be 'Makes Me Giggle Monday', but yesterday was a rather hectic day so I never got around to it. Also, I don't have class on Tuesday, so I figured this would be more convenient. And everyone hates Mondays, so this is me attempting to convince the blogging world that I am capable of independent thought.

Moving on, I saw this video on my friend's blog (shout out to Danielle) and thought it was too hilarious to not share.


  1. Ok, that really made me laugh out loud. Very funny! Thanks for the laugh. =)

  2. It being an IKEA commercial makes it.
