Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

Alas, I once again go for a month plus without posting anything new - I do have to say though, January was a good month as far as posts go. In order to relieve some of my guilt, I am writing what Kassie so lovingly calls 'a throw away post'. A throw away post is a post in which the author, basically, doesn't actually say much of anything. So this is me not saying much of anything.

I guess I could fill you in on what I've been doing lately, although there isn't much to say...and I can't even use pictures to distract you from my never-ending ramblings. O well.

Classes are going well. I'm really enjoying my Theatre History class in particular. I am also currently preparing for my field study this spring (that will take place somewhere in Utah, so nothing too exotic), and am seriously reconsidering my original plan of staying in Utah summer term to get some GE's out of the way...the closer summer gets, the more I'm liking the idea of going home for a few months. Also undergoing the reevaluating process in the whole "should I add a minor?" idea. I am/was (can't decide which) considering adding a Theatre Studies minor. I've always loved theatre and want to be more involved, so this minor would basically be for kicks and giggles. But there's the part of me that wants to get done as soon as I possibly can and run away from Utah screaming bloody murder. Then there's that voice in the mack of my mind (which, interestingly enough, sounds a lot like Mom) saying, "You only get this experience once...enjoy it...don't be in a rush" and so forth. Grrr...So. Frustrating. And then there's the whole "I think I picked the wrong major" stuff going on in the back of my mind, but with almost two years under my belt, it seems like such a waste to change it now. *weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth*

Wow, that was a lovely venting paragraph. Sorry about that.


  1. Ahh karma, I LOVE you so much! I miss your posts and your ramblings. As far as all your concerns go, I wish I could say something witty, inspired and (above all) helpful; but you will have to settle for "I think everyone in your situation (i.e. college) has had the same feelings/questions and I don't think anyone has figured out the right answer for them yet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Uh, so is this your passive-aggressive way of telling Mom & Dad that you're thinking about changing your major? Thinking about coming out and announcing you're a thespian and you've always had stage tendencies? You know it's not going to go down without some major drama...

    OK, I couldn't resist all the puns. If the Theater Studies minor would just be for kicks and giggles, don't do it. You can always do community theater "for kicks and giggles," and get just as much of an education/experience out of the mix (and, quite frankly, probably MORE) without having to PAY for it, let alone postponing graduation because of it. Just my $.02 (And you KNOW it pains me to discourage ANYTHING artistic because after all I am a total art fart.)

  4. It's good to hear that you are alive and doing well! If you stay in Utah during the summer, Jon and I can see you when we go there for Meredith's wedding. THat's my vote!

  5. I should have closed my quotation somewhere in there... so here it is ".
